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Friday, July 1, 2011

Reactions to Introduction of Islamic Banking in Nigeria

Angry reactions have continued to trail the planned establishment of Islamic banking in Nigeria by the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.

Reacting to the issue, the Imo State Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Rev. Dr. Cosmas Ilechukwu said: “The idea of an Islamic banking in Nigeria is an impossible construct and an unmitigated effrontery to our constitutionally guaranteed secularity”.
Imo CAN Chairman also warned that Ngeria is a secular state that allows different religious faith to pursue their religions without molestation, adding the country equally recognises and respects the multi-religiousity of her citizens.
“It must be reiterated that Nigeria is not a multi-religious country but a secular one that recognises and respects the multi-religiousity of her citizens”, Rev. Dr. Ilechukwu reasoned.
He further warned that “to allow Islamic banking in Nigeria is an invitation to chaos as other religious groups can also call for their preferred banking system”.
Answering another question, Dr. Ilechukwu wondered if the CBN Governor is an Islamic cleric or a professional banker hired by the federal government to oversee the banking sector of the nation’s economy.
“CAN demands that the federal government stop Sanusi from his religiously motivated divisive action disguised as banking reform. Nigeria is not an Islamic country and cannot accommodate Islamic banking”, Dr. Ilechukwu said.-Vanguard

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