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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ten tips to ensure healthy diets during the festive season

Everyone puts on weight over the holidays, but it need not be as bad as you fear. These hints from a dietitian will show you what foods to avoid, what to eat more of, and how to keep yourself from indulging too much.
“Weight gained during the holidays often comes from eating foods that are high in sugar and fat,” warns Joan Daniels, a dietitian.

“The good news is that you can still enjoy these special occasions as long as you use a bit of restraint and keep yourself from indulging too much.”
Ten Tips for Eating a Healthy Diet During the Holidays
Ms. Daniels and the dietitian team at the Comprehensive Cancer Center suggest following these simple tricks to help you enjoy the holiday season while keeping a balanced and healthy diet.
1. Take the edge of your hunger before you go. Eating a snack or light meal , especially one high in protein, like cottage cheese, nuts or chicken will help you eat less later. Fasting ahead of time, leaving room for a big meal, or planning extra trips to the buffet table often leads to overeating.
2. Fiber is your friend. Choose appetizers that will help you meet the recommended guideline of five to 10 servings of vegetables and fruits a day. The fiber in salads, vegetable dishes and fruits will help you feel full, while you benefit from their vitamins.
3. Small is good. Take smaller servings of dishes that appeal to you. This is especially important at a buffet, where you may want to try everything. Choose the items you want to try the most, and eat a small portion of each.
4. Take your time to enjoy the taste. Many times, people eat so fast that their stomachs do not have enough time to register they’re full. Eat slower, savoring each bite and enjoying the taste of the food. Chances are you will eat less and not overeat.
5. Stay away from fast food. Don’t let a hectic holiday schedule force you to rely on eating fast food often. Plan ahead and prepare and freeze quick healthy meals to help stay out of the fast food trap.
6. Bring a low-calorie dish to holiday parties. Your host will appreciate it – after all, you’re not the only person concerned about putting on weight! Plus you’ll know that at least one healthy item will be on the table.
7. Avoid alcoholic drinks. Regular eggnogs and other drinks made with syrups contain a high amount of calories. Wines and spirits are also high calorie, and can encourage you to eat more. Try replacing alcoholic drinks with flavored, calorie-free waters, sparkling fruit juice, low-sodium vegetable juices or hot cider instead.
8. Get some exercise. Find ways to incorporate some daily physical activity during the holidays. Enjoy a brisk walk, either outside or at an indoor mall. Exercise can be a huge stress reliever and will burn up some of those calories.
9. Be realistic about the chances of gaining weight. It is useless to try to diet during the holidays. Instead, set a goal to maintain your present weight.
10. Be kind to yourself: Even with planning and the best intentions, you will probably fall off the healthy wagon at some point. Pick yourself up, forgive yourself and get back into the healthy lifestyle

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